B.otch Downloads
Requires Ircle 3.0b (Or better), and Applescript to run! Download the B.otch 5.4, Shogun FServer, and IRCBoard source code! (5.5 sources coming soon!) Of course it's encrypted!!! Do you think I'd spend a 2 months and a half developing this product just so you could rip it off??? Ha! If you have the password, get MacLocksmith from the InfoMac HyperArchive, and decrypt the sources! I've switched to MacBinary, cuz HQX is pathetic. Get StuffIt Expander if you can't figure out how to decode this file! The 5.3 beta corrects a small DCC chat bug, and introduces FlipzSide's FlipWire code. FlipWire should stop a security leak in 5.2. 5.5 changes the op syntax a bit, adds a few infobot goodies, and adds a getMessages command for B.otch Messenger
Installing B.otchB.otch requires that the Dialog Director, ACME Script Widgits, and File IO additions be installed. If they are not installed, the installer will install them and tell you to restart. One you install B.otch, run the B.otch Setup program, and set your passwords. Then, move the b.otch script into your Ircle Scripts folder, and move the sounds into your Ircle Sounds folder. Once that is done, you are ready to go. Type /load b.otch, and you're ready to bot your way into fame, or K-Lineism...
Don't get K-Lined!!! Read this!NOTE: B.otch will display itself in your VERSION reply. I haven't and won't put in a VERSION spoofer... I believe that IRC is filled with enough lying hackers and spammers as is, and I refuse to help them. If you want to use it on a no-bot server, forget it. Go to irc-w.concentric.net (irc.blackened.com got shut down after the admins gave up on fending off attackers. I'll never forget them...) for EFNet, and and you'll b |